Simple Summer


Simple Summer Brewing

Follow along as we brew Simple Summer with Jonathan!

V60 02

Dose & Yield: 20g:320g
Grind: Medium-Fine
Water Temp: 205
Rest Time: 7 days

Brew Times & Technique:
0:00-2:00 60g Bloom
2:00-2:30 Pour 130g, let drain
3:00 -3:30 Pour 130g, let drain
Total Brew Time ~ 4:00



  1. Heat Water- Start by filling up your kettle with water. If you have an electric kettle, set the temperature to 205F. If not, bring the water to a boil then let cool for a moment before brewing. 
  2. Grind- Weigh out 20 grams of coffee, then grind to a medium-fine coarseness. 
  3. Pre-wet Filter- Place your dripper on top of the vessel you plan to brew into, and place a filter into the dripper. Pour hot water over the filter, until you hit every spot. This avoids any papery tastes in your coffee. It also pre-warms the dripper and your brewing vessel, to avoid coffee cooling upon contact. This is also a good chance to pour warm water in your mug as well. Make sure to dump this water out before brewing.
  4. Begin Brewing- Place your dripper and brewing vessel on top of your scale. Add your coffee to the filter. Make sure your scale is zeroed, and start your timer. Pour 60g of water, then wait until your timer says 2 minutes.
  5. Continue Brewing- Pour 130g of water, letting it draw down completely, then pour another 130g of water. Your brew weight should be 320g with a total brew time of about 4 minutes.
  6. Enjoy- Pour into your favorite pre-warmed mug and enjoy!




We had a fun time experimenting with the bloom on this recipe! On one brew we did a standard 45 seconds, and the other was 2 minutes.

The theory behind the bloom is to fully saturate the bed of coffee, and promote degassing of CO2. This lessens the likelihood of channeling when you continue the brew process. We did not measure the extraction yield, but blind tasting confirmed a noticeably different mouthfeel and flavor clarity.

I encourage you to try different bloom times to see what you enjoy the most!


Flash Brew V60 02

Dose & Yield: 20g:192g:128g
Grind: Slightly finer than medium-fine
Water Temp: 205
Rest Time: 7 days

Brew Times & Technique:
0:00-0:45 60g Bloom
0:45-1:40 Pour 132g, let drain (slowly)
Total Brew Time ~ 2:30



  1. Heat Water- Start by filling up your kettle with water. If you have an electric kettle, set the temperature to 205F. If not, bring the water to a boil then let cool for a moment before brewing.
  2. Grind- Weigh out 20g of coffee, and grind slightly finer than a medium-fine coarseness.
  3. Pre-wet-Filter- Place your dripper on top of the vessel you plan to brew into, and place a filter into the dripper. Pour hot water over the filter, until you hit every spot. This avoids any papery tastes in your coffee.
  4. Begin Brewing- Take a separate vessel, not the one used to pre-heat, and place the dripper on top and onto a scale. Add your coffee to the filter. Add 128g of ice into your vessel, make sure your scale is zeroed, and start your timer. Pour 60g of water, then wait until your timer says 0:45 seconds.
  5. Continue Brewing- Pour 132g of water slowly, letting it draw down completely. Your brew weight should be 192g with a total brew time of about 2:30 minutes.
  6. Enjoy- Pour into your favorite glass with fresh ice and enjoy!



Iced flash brew pour overs originated in Japan. These brews are refreshing, keep vibrant flavors prominent, and take way less time to make then cold brew.

This great recipe was created by James Hoffmann. We have to grind a bit finer than with our other recipe because we are using only 60% of water to brew. This means that there is a potential that weextract as much flavor as we'd like. Therefore by grinding a bit finer, we can ensure there will be a longer contact time. Just be wary of going too fine and causing a clog or increased channeling.

Know your ice! Not all ice is the same. Some may melt faster than others depending on your ice maker. This goal here is to ensure all the ice is melted by the time the brew is finished. Make changes as needed to the ratio of water to ice.

👋 Jonathan

Jonathan Feliciano is our Event Coordinator and resident brewing expert. Jonathan leads most of our free roastery tours and Coffee Education classes, which you can learn more about by clicking the button below!