Guatemala Candelaria


Guatemala Candelaria Brewing

Follow along as we brew Guatemala Candelaria with Jonathan!

Flat Bottom

Dose & Yield: 20g:320g
Grind: Medium
Water Temp: 205

Brew Times & Technique:

0:00-0:45 - Pour to 60g for bloom, swirl to saturate

0:45-1:00 - Pour to 190g, let water fully draw down before next pour

1:30-2:00 - Pour to 320g

2:30 - Total Brew Time



  1. Heat Water - Start by filling up your kettle with water. If you have an electric kettle, set the temperature to 205F. If not, bring the water to a boil then let cool for a moment before brewing.

  2. Grind - Weigh out 20g of coffee, and grind to a medium coarseness.

  3. Pre-wet Filter - Place your dripper on top of the vessel you plan to brew into, and place a filter into the dripper. Pour warm water over the filter, until you hit every spot. This avoids any papery tastes in your coffee. It also pre-warms the dripper and your brewing vessel, to avoid coffee cooling upon contact. This is also a good chance to pour warm water in your mug as well. Make sure to dump this water out before brewing.

  4. Begin Brewing - Place your dripper & brewing vessel on top of your scale. Add your coffee to the filter. Make sure your scale is zeroed, and start your timer. Add 60g of water, then wait until your timer says 45 seconds.

  5. Continue Brewing - At 45 seconds, continue pouring water until you reach 190g. Wait until your timer says 1:30, then pour until you reach 210g. When your timer hits 1:40, pour until you reach 320g. Your total brew time, the point where you can take your dripper off the brewing vessel, should be about 2:30.

  6. Enjoy - Pour your favorite pre-warmed mug, and enjoy!



Two pulse pours lended extra agitation to the bed, lending for a preferred extraction. In my brews with the cone, the flavors were more delicate with a sharper acidity. The cone was pleasant, but overall we preferred the brew with flat bottom.

Candelaria brewed as a flat bottom highlighted it’s flavor notes extremely well and accentuated the dutch cocoa flavor. The drinking experience lead off with strong punchy flavors of kiwi which was immediately rounded out with dutch cocoa, and lingered on the palate.


Dose & Yield: 18g in, 45g out
Grind: Fine
Water Temp: 200


The bigger ratio of water to coffee gave the shot more nuance and it was easier to identify tasting notes. The taste was reminiscent of dried kiwi with a caramel finish.

As a straight espresso shot, this ratio is preferred to experience the range of flavors. However, if using the espresso for a milk based beverage, we would lessen the amount of water to a 1:2 ratio. This will hold it’s strength to better stand up and compliment the dairy.

👋 Jonathan

Jonathan Feliciano is our Event Coordinator and resident brewing expert. Jonathan leads most of our free roastery tours and Coffee Education classes, which you can learn more about by clicking the button below!